Lake Bluff History Museum AUTO SHOW 2025

Travel Back In Time! On June 21, the annual Lake Bluff History Museum Auto Show will transform Lake Bluff’s historic downtown into a showcase of beautifully maintained vintage and antique cars from the early 1900s to 1980. Vehicles typically featured include the Museum’s restored 1931 Lake Bluff Ice Truck plus Corvettes, Mustangs, Cobras and Birds, Packards, Woodies, Jaguars, Rolls . . . GTOs, Chevys, Buicks, hot rods, Lincolns, the occasional Ferrari . . . and more.

Lake Bluff History Museum Auto Show is from 2 to 5 pm, starting at Lake Bluff History Museum, 127 E. Scranton Avenue. There is no charge to register a car or the Auto Show, and the event is family friendly. FREE parking is available at the Lake Bluff train station. Free handicapped parking is in the Village’s Walnut Street parking lot.

For more information, contact the museum at